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Welding Equipment For Oven

Microwave steaming baking inner tank production line

Product Features

1.The whole line process including fold U, multi-point automatic welding, seam welding
2. The seam welding process can realize the automatic switching of parameters of straight edge and corner position

3. Positioning tooling can realize XY direction adjustment

4. The conductive part is specially designed with automatic tensioning mechanism

Servo XZ-axis transposition/medium-frequency welding machine independent between work sequences/compatible with both 46L and 68L workpieces.

Sequence: Pre-spot welding of top and bottom center plate - Single-head seam welding of top and bottom center plate - Double-head seam welding of top and bottom center plate - Pre-spot welding of front plate - Long-edge seam welding of front plate - Short-edge seam welding of front plate

Tempo: 35S

Basic Parameters


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Appointment free consultation
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